Tuesday, December 16, 2014

(Last Three) Weekly Roundup...

What I Liked:

...attending a St. Nicholas party at a friend's house! There were games, delicious food, singing, and even a visit from the great saint himself! 

...having some new neighbors over for Thanksgiving dinner...then, after they left, heading over to another neighbor's house for dessert

...starting the Ketogenic Diet

...thoughtful friends who think to buy my brothers and me Almond Milk Eggnog

...the new "Maze Runner" movie...they followed the book closely enough to make me happy, though I was very disappointed about the language in there...

...finding THE Christmas tree

...having turkey for Thanksgiving...for the first time in ten years

...my new eShatki Christmas dress

...the rumor that a friend may be hosting a New Years Eve dance

...receiving the Piano Guys "Family Christmas" sheet music from St. Nicholas...I can only play one song so far, but as I'm not Jon Schmidt, I am not surprised

What I Didn't:

...finding out the Warren Theater will not open until December 23rd...so I will have to wait until January to see "The Battle of the Five Armies"

...no snow.  Last year had at least three blizzards by now...

...the news that our friends may have to go out of town right after Christmas...which means they will miss our Christmas party AGAIN...

...the Christmas gift I got for my mom taking an unpardonable amount of time to get here

...no internet for nearly two weeks

What Made Me Laugh:

...at the St. Nicholas party, when the saint called my little brother up to give him some candy, he bounced out of his chair and said "Hi! How are you doing?" like it was the most ordinary occurrence to meet a saint from Heaven.  I have a feeling he would say the same thing if he really did see an apparition.

...reading "Go, Dog, Go" to a friend's little boy...he always gets all worked up at the "Where are those dogs going?" part...the suspense is such torture...

...my photographer brother offering to take pictures of one friend's family...and suddenly everyone in the neighborhood wants their portraits done

...the Nutcracker song by Straight No Chaser...you must listen to this...I defy you not to roar

...my little brother dressing up as St. Lucy and bringing St. Lucy buns to my room because I overslept on the feast day and forgot to do it myself

...some friends from out of town telling me that they love coming to our house because me and my brothers make such great food

...babysitting some neighbor's kids, and the reaction of the five-year-old when his little brother started swinging a rosary around like a whip..."L----! YOU NAUGHTY BOY! THAT'S A ROSARY!!!"

What I Accomplished:

...getting my body into a state of ketosis in only three days...the average is two weeks...=)

...making grain-free St. Lucy Buns

...learning an entirely new Latin Advent Hymn for Mass in approximately three minutes

...making it to the 6:50 AM Low Mass three days in one week...my friends were about to give me three cheers

...winning every game of "Catholic Trivia"

...getting our Christmas card photos done with minimal stress..thank heaven for brothers with professional cameras...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

First Snow of the Year!

Not a blizzard, I grant you, but enough for us to get excited and make hot chocolate with whipped cream:)...

Dad, the boys, and I played cards in the living room while enjoying the blazing fireplace and watching the snow fall from the sky.  This is one of the many reasons Winter is my favorite season!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekly Roundup...

What I Liked...

...warm eggnog with whipped cream


...suddenly losing my fourteen-year-long aversion to cheese

...roaring fireplaces

...my new book of Christmas carols

..."Saving Mr. Banks"...a WONDERFUL movie with only one part to mute...

...UGG boots to wear on cold days

What I Didn't...

...chapped lips and no chance of getting any lip balm for another week

...tearing my only pair of tights

What Made Me Laugh...

...my brothers loudly protesting my new love of cheese..."She's eating us out of house and home!"

...our cat Winkin who now thinks she's a dog

...our new goose, MacHenry, who has NOT been accepted by our ducks

What I Accomplished...

...ordering my first eShakti dress (fingers crossed...please let it work for Christmas...)

...starting the Ketogenic Fat Fast...only twelve hundred calories a day, all from fat...

The Inferno...

My first clue was the sirens echoing through the neighborhood...

When I came downstairs I learned that our elderly neighbor had a trash fire that had gotten out of hand behind our house.  About seven Volunteer Fire Department trucks showed up (this was probably the most exciting thing they'd done all year), wailing like the whole street had gone up in flames.  The phone was ringing off the wall from all the neighbors (at least those who didn't show up) to see what in the blazes was going on.  Our poor dog, Lottie, didn't know what to do, so she just sat in the middle of the driveway watching the firemen.

Needless to say, the inferno was dealt with post-haste, and we had a story to tell at quilting that evening.  And we were all able to take an unexpected break from school/work/cooking/etc.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Weekly Roundup...

What I Liked...

...sitting in the parking lot of Bass Pro Shops when a mini van pulled in and parked close to our car.  A little boy (maybe six years old) jumped out, ran to the back, opened the door, and pulled out a wheelchair that was almost bigger than him.  He set the whole thing up, put a pillow at the back, wheeled it to the driver's door, and helped his mom into it.  Then he ran around to the other side and helped his little sister out of her car seat, had her put her hand on the arm of the wheelchair, and started pushing it towards the store.  It was soooooo sweet...

...the cold front that is supposed to come tonight...highs in the forties tomorrow!

...playing the "Dear John" theme on the piano

...chocolate truffles from Whole Foods...mmmmmm...

...the demo track of the credits song from the newest "Hobbit"movie sung by Billy Boyd

...selling our Jeep Compass!!! Thank you, St. Joseph!!!

...new neighbors who are living behind us for the winter months

...discovering eShakti.com 

What I Didn't...

...windy days.  And I don't mean days with a little breeze...I mean the "Tornado-Winds-Don't-Even-Think-About-Wearing-A-Flared-Skirt-Or-Fixing-Your-Hair" days we've been having lately

...getting the results from my hair analysis test and being told that I am one messed up girl with high levels of Aluminum in my system and practically no thyroid gland left...

What Made Me Laugh...

...a friend's little boy at church, who looks all around until he sees me before he can settle down for Mass

...my brother opening up the birthday gift he bought for his friend because he wanted to build it first...and his friend being the only one who completely understood because he would have done the same exact thing

What I Accomplished...

...sewing a new nightgown for Mom

...converting a "Cream of Mushroom Pot Pie" recipe from a neighbor into a more Paleo style dish...and yes, it did taste good.

...making a birthday card in less than five minutes

Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekly Roundup...

What I Liked:

...attending the beautiful ceremonies at the Abbey for All Saint's and All Soul's Day

...Daylight Savings Time

...finding the original sheet music to "River Flows In You" by Yiruma online FOR FREE!!!

...all the lovely Fall colors

...this WONDERFUL weather we've been enjoying

...my brother's Paleo Samoa Donuts...to DIIIIIIEEEEEE FOR...here is the recipe

..."Dear John"...such a sweet movie, though it requires some editing

...getting some new leather boots for this winter

...a campfire/chili night at a friend's house

...organic, all-natural, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, fruit-sweetened blow pops...and chocolate truffles...and Tootsie rolls...oh my!  Didn't realize these things existed...

What I Didn't:

...suddenly realizing there weren't any meals made in the house...and I am starrrrrvvvviiinnnggg...

...Dad taking the laptop to South Carolina for a week, thereby preventing me from using it

...the library notifying me that the movie I ordered had come in...after I had picked it up, rechecked it twice, and returned it

...old friends who were supposed to come for dinner but couldn't because they got sick

...four hour old Whole Food's rotisserie chicken...ugh...

What Made Me Laugh:

..."Seven Brides For Seven Brothers"...I love that movie!

...winning the "St. John Bosco Relay Race" at our party and hearing all the younger boys cheering me on...until they remembered I was on the other team...

...King St. Edward and St. George chilling out on the porch with their blow pops...

What I Accomplished:

...beating my friend at "Dunk the Devil"

...making myself and both of my brothers costumes for All Saint's Day

...learning the words to "Bless Your Beautiful Hide" after hearing it only twice

...Paleo Italian Flat-bread

...introducing my friend to Pinterest...Her life will never be the same...

All Saint's Day...

So we decided to have an All Saint's Day party this year...

Some good friends down the road graciously contributed the games and came over early in the week to help set up...

 The guests attending were (top row, left to right) St. (Dr.) Moscotti, St. Isadore the Farmer, St. Charles of Austria, St. Hedwig of Sweden, St. Prudentia, St. Edith Stein, (bottom row, left to right) St. Joan of Arc, St. Edward, St. George, St. Edith, and St. Ia of Ireland.

Some of the games included "Rock of Peter" (or "Musical Chairs)...

St. Isadore was the DJ...

It ended with a show-down between the British king and the Irish peasant maiden...

...with the peasant maiden as the victor!!!

Next was the "Works of Mercy Relay Race"...

And the "St. John Bosco Relay Race"...

...which the girl's team won =)...

Afterwards was the "St. Anthony's Cake-Walk"...

..."Dunk the Devil"...

..."St, Kateri's Pumpkin Bowling"...

..."St. Patrick's Snake Toss"...

..."St. Isadore's Pig Roll"...

...and "St. Damien's Aqueduct Race".

When we had won all the prizes and finished all the games, the boys built a campfire and we all sat around eating chili, white bean soup, salad, potato chips, sour cream dip, chocolate and gummi worms.  After dark we all grabbed quilts and coats and piled onto our trailer for a "hay ride minus the hay" to a neighbor's field, where we all sang every song we could think of (from "Under the Sea" to "Ave Maria" to "Whiskey In The Jar" to "Misty Mountain") at the top of our lungs.  Hot Apple Cider was waiting for us when we got home, and by the time everyone was ready to leave we had decided that we were going to have to do this again during Christmastime.  Everyone had lots of fun... and we were all thanking God for Daylight Savings Time at Mass the next morning. That extra hour of sleep was just what we all needed...

Friday, October 17, 2014

The New House...

After renting for five years we have finally begun construction on our new home!!!

 Mom and Dad wanted to pay cash for everything so construction is going more slowly than we would prefer, but at least we're moving in the right direction...and we're doing it all debt-free!  We hired an Amish crew to do most of the framing (they did a marvelous job...and at lighting speed I might add!) and then Dad and the boys took over.  After finishing the framing upstairs, they undertook to shingle the roof, and would have finished it by now if they hadn't run out of shingles.

During the deluge we've been under for the past few days Dad would go check to see how well the roof was blocking the rain out, and it seems to hold up just fine!  We hope to have it weathered in enough for us to move in in the Spring and finish the rest while we live there.  My "House Ideas" folder on Pinterest is overflowing with ideas for utilizing space, decorating rooms, and just making everything look cozy and homey.  Personally, I love the "shabby chic cottage" look, my parents like the "old rustic farmhouse" look, the older of my brothers wants everything to be operated from our phones, and I think my youngest brother would be happy if we could just leave all the rafters exposed for him to climb around in :).  Hopefully we'll be able to combine all our ideas and make everybody happy...The one thing we all absolutely agreed on was that the kitchen was going to be BIG.  For the past five years we have had to make do with four cooks in a tiny "camper-sized" kitchen, and we were all willing to make our bedrooms smaller if it meant we could add even more space to our new "area of culinary preparation".

Of course we'll be sad to be moving a whole two miles further away from the Abbey (no more meeting friends at the gate for short walks...) but we can still hear the bells loud and clear.

Yes sirree, we are excited! I'll post more pictures as we make more progress...

Monday, October 13, 2014

Life Update

It's been awhile! I felt better this summer than I have in a loooooong time so I stayed busy doing other things and rather neglected my blog, I'm afraid.  Now that Mom and I have begun our oral chelation again I've had to take it easy and do less active things (such as blogging) to keep my body from getting a stress overload.
So much happened this summer that I don't really know where to start!

A dear friend of mine FINALLY managed to be in town for the whole summer, and, as we live waaaayyyy out in the woods and have to use the buddy system every time we want to leave the house, we started meeting each other for long walks and then cooling off in the creek behind her house afterwards.  It was a great way to spend time together, and the exercise we got was an added bonus!
My mom, the boys, and I all took cake decorating classes earlier this year and even managed to Paleo-ize the recipes our instructor gave us so we could enjoy our creations.  We had lots of people over during that time to help eat all the leftover cake we had in the refrigerator...

 In June we began the construction of our new house...and by we I mean Dad and the boys.  My part comes later when we get to the "Interior Decorating" phase.  As of now they have almost finished shingling the roof and will begin on the windows and doors next.  I CAN NOT WAIT to get into our new home with the walk-in closets, nearly floor-length windows, and huge kitchen...

In September the Society of Saint Pius X hosted a day of reparation for the Black Mass being held at the civic center and we were fortunate enough to be there, along with over eight hundred other Catholics! Father Daniel Themann (our former pastor and very good friend) celebrated Mass at a hotel and then we all processed down the street, praying the rosary, carrying banners, and singing hyms, until we reached the civic center.  Several policemen who were there to make sure none of us started rioting joined in with us for the rosary.  Afterwards we all went back to the hotel to eat lunch and visit.  It was an amazing, beautiful day...

My younger brothers celebrated their 17th and 13th birthdays in July and August...and I'm still getting adjusted to my youngest brother being a teenager...

I stared a Pinterest account to find recipes and Home Decor ideas...and now I understand the term Pin-aholic.  I get on their to look up one thing and before you know it I've been on their for an hour.  It has been a huge help in finding things like unique meals, birthday gifts, all-saints-day costumes, etc. but you definitely need to set a time limit on yourself!

We stared babysitting a friend's five children(all under seven) a couple times a month so she could catch a breath.  These have to be the best behaved kids I have ever encountered, and if one  of them starts misbehaving, the other ones remind them that they had better behave "cause Mommy said don't be bad!".  We always have lots of fun when they come over, and apparently they do to because they keep asking when they can come over again.  They have their own favorite books that stay in a basket in our living room that they read every time they come...one time my brother replaced them with some new ones to see if they noticed...and they spent the whole visit searching the whole house until he finally got them out again.

Now I'm caught up.  Hopefully I'll be more consistent in my posts from now on. :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What Every PALEO Girl Should Own...

Hi everybody! Being healthy is a big part of being a strong, godly, young woman (not only because our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost, but also because we should always be prepared for whatever God sends our way, whether it be butchering chickens, raising active kids, fighting off unsavory characters in a parking lot, being a nurse, living in an austere convent, or being a traveling missionary!).  I have been trying to heal from a couple of autoimmune diseases and several food allergies for the past three years, and the best thing I have found to help me feel my best has been the Paleo Lifestyle! I would like to share the things I think are necessary to start living this lifestyle and very much encourage you to look into it yourself!  

One thing that really grinds my gears is when people ask me if I'm "still following that crazy diet".  Grrrrrr.  It's a lifestyle, not just a diet, and part of this lifestyle is strengthening your body with exercise.  I have found kettle-bells to be the program that works for me because it blends cardio with weight training, and it only takes about half an hour a day! Most of the Paleo blogs I read all recommend doing Kettle-Bells too, and it really seems to be taking off lately.  I even found out that Henry Cavill did Kettle-Bells when he was getting all buff to play Superman :).

Absolutely necessary when you start the Paleo Lifestyle.  When you first switch from the Standard American Diet it can seem impossible to find anything to eat, but with all the amazing cookbooks out there, you will be proven wrong very quickly.  These are our favorites, and we love how they are so full of easy-to-prepare, filling, healthy, delicious recipes.  I don't even miss junk food anymore!

This is a bit of a joke in my family...it seems cauliflower is one of the most versatile vegetables ever.  Every Paleo cookbook seems to have almost a whole section on the dozens of different ways to make cauliflower; rice, grits, mashed, popped like corn, pizza crust...the list goes on and on! The best part is that it has almost no taste, so with the right spices you can turn it into almost anything!

If you don't like doing weights, you should definitely look into purchasing a trampoline, or even a
re-bounder, for exercise.  Bouncing on one of these for fifteen minutes is equivalent to jogging for thirty! We have so much fun on our's from Springfree.  The boys and I go out for a while almost every morning, and have found that it improves our energy and even our mood!

Do you have any favorite things you do to stay healthy?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Weekly Roundup...

What I Liked:

...starting a cake decorating class at Hobby Lobby!

...discovering an amazing state park right down the road from our house...complete with beaches, playgrounds, hiking trails, horse riding, boat rentals, basket-ball courts, volley-ball courts, tennis courts, and even a restaurant!

...going swimming at one of the aforesaid park's beaches...first swim of the year!!!

...finally seeing "The Scarlet and the Black".  I highly recommend this movie!

...finally getting our four-wheeler back from the mechanic.  I haven't even been able to drive it yet because Dad and the boys have been on it all week!

...going into the library and walking out with a bag full of books...I love that feeling!

...ordering and promptly receiving a new jewelry making kit.

What I Didn't:

...slow internet...it reeeaaalllly gets on my nerves...

...wasps that buzz around my head every morning while I'm sitting on the porch trying to read my Bible.

...our cow Ellie watching for me to leave my shoes unguarded so she can lick them.

...Silica powder...ughhh...

What Made Me Laugh:

...the poor AT'T salesman trying to help us...you know he's given up when he starts telling you that you really don't need to buy a phone today...some other day might work better.

...calling my friend four times in a row because each time her little brother said she was in the shower...the fifth time she answered and said that she really had been out the last time I called: her brother just wanted to see if I would keep calling back.

...the Beatrix Potter Tales...so funny.

...my brother's almond flour pancakes...they turned back into almond flour when he started cooking them.

What I Accomplished:

...learning to parallel park!!!

...making Paleo Club Sandwiches...the best thing I have eaten since going Paleo.

...making two new sets of jewelry out of my new jewelry making kit.

...Paleo Peach Cobbler...even without ice cream it was amazing.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Weekly Roundup

What I Liked:

...Easter Sunday!

...out of town friends who came for Easter

...visiting after Easter Vespers with Fr. Abbot and another priest...yet another perk that comes from living next  door to an abbey!

...dark chocolate eggs in my Easter basket

...watching "Frozen" for the first time...one of the funniest movies I have seen all year!

...being able to attend the beautiful services at the abbey for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

...our ducks sitting on eggs for the past week...we might have ducklings soon!

...my friend letting me borrow "Letters to Juliet".  It was such a sweet movie, though the costumes left much to be desired.

...buying a fedora hat...I love it!

...Fr. Chad Ripperger's conference on "How To Raise A Man".  I very highly recommend it to boys and young men...it will really inspire you to man-up and...well, be a man.  You can listen to it here.

...being well enough to go help Dad and the boys at the local farmer's market...it's been at least three years since the last time I was able to go!

...watching "The Desolation of Smaug" on our new 3D projector!

What I Didn't:

...my whole family catching the flu, one right after the other.  We were all miserable and blowing our noses for about two weeks.

...watching "Kung Fu Panda", one of the dumbest, most worthless, pointless, and plot-less movies I have ever seen.  I could almost feel my brain cells evaporating...

...trying to make chocolate covered marshmallows...failure.

...the headache I always get when I don't sleep well

What Made Me Laugh:

...Olaf the Snowman from "Frozen"...I just love him!("I've always wanted a nose! So cute...like a little baby unicorn!")

...Charlie from "Letters To Juliet"...he has the same exact personality as the older of my two younger brothers, and I laughed at almost everything he said.

...my friend's thirteen year old brother.  He can make me laugh anytime, any day.

...watching my brothers and some of their friends learning to do back flips on the trampoline...and succeeding (I'm really jealous, actually.)!

...seeing a man who looked just like Kili the Dwarf...long hair and everything.

...a little boy's t-shirt that said "I'm warning you, if ninjas attack, I will use you as a shield."

...passing by an open door at the civic center and catching a glimpse of a dance marathon...done entirely by elderly women and one elderly man holding pom-poms.

What I Accomplished:

...chocolate chip marshmallows...much better than the chocolate covered ones.

...learning to play "I Dreamed A Dream" on the piano...while my brothers are singing it.

...sewing my Easter dress, and making up the pattern as I went along.

...fixing Easter Dinner all by myself.

Friday, April 25, 2014

He Is Risen! (And Paleo Marshmallows:) .)

Happy Easter everybody!!!

Holy week was incredibly busy, possibly even bordering on frantic, as we tried to prepare for Easter Sunday, which included going to all the Tridium services, and recover from the flu.  We all made it through in one piece and are now enjoying Easter week to the fullest.  Several out-of-town friends were here for Holy Easter Week, so we managed to visit and have fun with them as well.

I ordered the material for my Easter dress from Girl Charlee Fabrics (my first order!) and couldn't be happier! It came in within three days, was decently priced (MUCH better than JoAnn's prices!), was not too "clingy" and was easy to sew on.  I will be ordering a lot more fabric from this company in the future! I didn't manage to get any pictures of me actually making the dress...I was too busy trying to make up the pattern as I went along and finish it before Sunday :).

On Holy Saturday I had a sudden desire to make some marshmallows.  I have made plain ones before, but this time I added chocolate chips...and they were sooooooo good... I also tried chocolate covered, but they didn't turn out quite so well (think unsweetened, gooey, gobs of stickiness).

Paleo Marshmallows:

1 cup of Honey
1 cup of Water
Three Tablespoons of Gelatin
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
1/3 Cup of Chocolate Chips
Cocoa for dusting

Line a glass dish with parchment paper and coat sides with cocoa.  Heat the honey, half the water, and the vanilla in a small saucepan until temperature reaches 240 Degrees Fahrenheit (soft ball stage).  While it is heating, mix the remaining water and gelatin in a large bowl and allow the gelatin to soften.  When the honey has reached the desired temperature, pour slowly into the gelatin while beating with an electric mixer until soft peaks form.  Fold in chocolate chips.  Pour mixture into prepared pan and leave sitting on the counter to cool and set (do not put in the refrigerator!). When completely set, sprinkle cocoa on a cutting board and gently turn marshmallow onto the board.  Cut into shapes and coat with cocoa again.  Store outside of the refrigerator. 

What did you and your family do for Easter?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Weekly Roundup

What I liked:

...starting the Reclaiming Beauty Study Course by the Botkin sisters! I'm trying to do one video a week, and I've already learned a lot!

...babysitting a friend's four toddlers for a day.  We were all pretty worn out by the end of the day, but hearing the kids say things like "Do we have to go home right now?", "I like playing with you.", and "Can you come get us again soon?" made it all worth it.  And the relieved look on their mom's face when we first picked them up.

...one of the aforesaid toddlers reading a whole Curious George book to me, and only needing help on three big words!

...my brother learning to play the Cinderella Man theme on the piano by ear.

...having a friend who will tell me the entire plot, character list, and story line of all her favorite movies, and even furnish me with all the good quotes, so I don't even have to see it!

...my sheet music FINALLY coming in!

...attending Father Chad Rippenger's retreat on Mental Prayer and Sacramentals!!! It was a wonderful experience, and I took lots of notes...depending on my schedule, I'll try to summarize it in a post sometime.

...trying Herbert's Strawberry Lemonade for the first time!

What I Didn't:

...my friend telling me I look like Charlotte Church...when she was twelve (uhhh...thank you...I think...).

...waiting two months to be able to wear my new dress...and then it being so windy I can hardly move without the skirt flying up.

...putting an avocado in my hair with sour cream and lemon juice (it smelled delicious!) because it's supposed to be a great conditioner.  I put it in LAST SATURDAY, washed my hair every day with no added conditioner, and my hair just got back to normal FRIDAY.

What I Accomplished:

...our Abbey's first pilgrimage! Father Abbot held it as a sort of roundup to a community novena we've all been praying.  Most of the participants started about five miles away, but a few of us (including me and my little brother) joined them about a mile from the Abbey.  It was so beautiful; we prayed a couple of litanies, sang hymns, placed our flowers at an icon of the Annunciation, and wound it all up with Vespers and a De Profundis prayed in the Abbey Cemetery.  Everyone ageed we need to start doing this more often!

...making a delicious french egg dish for breakfast...I'm not sure what it is officially called, but it has spinach, sausage, tomatoes, and eggs all baked together in a ramekin...and it was delicious!

...making coconut whipped cream for Mom's fruit parfaits...who would of thought that something so easy to make would be so delectable? 

What Made Me Laugh:

...while we were all resting on the pilgrimage, a friend's little boy started collecting rocks and bringing them to me one by one, and blushing when I said "thank you!".  This went on for almost half an hour (and I had a rather large pile of rocks in my lap) when his mom noticed.  She shook her head and said "Some boys give flowers, some boys give rocks."

...one of my brothers put a bowl of confetti on top of a door as an April Fool's Joke.  Unfortunately, my other brother noticed it and the trick backfired on the original brother, who got confetti all over himself.

...walking past a friend's mom, when she suddenly says "Hey, you got a date yet?" I was taken aback for approximately ten seconds...before I realized she was talking to someone behind me about calendar dates.

What did you do this week?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Why I Wear A Veil

(...otherwise titled: This Thing On My Head Is Not A Doily)

Oh lowly, little, chapel veil,
You are my dearest friend.

For when my hair's all mops and brooms,

You cover, end to end.

And when my hair's not curling right

Or when it sticks out straight,

You gently hold it all in place
And make it look first rate!

But feminists, they hate you so,

You lowly, simple thing.

To them you are so vile, not veil,
To praise Our Lord and King.

And passing by the Church of Seven,

"Autonomy's", their phrase.

They never know the joys of Heaven,
Such as, no bad-hair-days!

For lowly, lacey, chapel veil,

You tame my hair, so wild!

But truth-be-told, though I look nice,
It's really for The Child.

By Hilary Mary Bernadette Flanery

(When I was researching for this post, I found the above poem and it made me laugh.  It is so true! There have been so many Sundays when one of my friends or I casually "forgot" to take off our veil after Mass because we were having a bad hair day.) 

Now, why do Traditional Catholic women cover their heads when in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament?

Firstly, it is required by Canon Law for women to cover and for men to uncover their heads in church.  Despite public belief that it was done away with, it is still in effect and applies to us today.  According to the 1917 Code of Canon Law (Canon 126.2):

"Men should be with their head uncovered in church or outside of church, when they assist at the sacred rites, unless the approved customs of the people or additional particulars of the circumstances call for something else; women, however, should be with head covered and modestly dressed, particularly when they approach the Lord's Table."

St. Paul also speaks about women veiling themselves before coming before the Blessed Sacrament in 1 Corinthians 11:1-17:

"Be ye followers of me, as I also am of Christ. Now I praise you, brethren, that in all things you are mindful of me and keep my ordinances as I have delivered them to you. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ: and the head of the woman is the man: and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered disgraceth his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head not covered disgraceth her head: for it is all one as if she were shaven. For if a woman be not covered, let her be shorn. But if it be a shame to a woman to be shorn or made bald, let her cover her head. The man indeed ought not to cover his head: because he is the image and glory of God. But the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man [c.f. Genesis 2-3]. For the man was not created for the woman: but the woman for the man. Therefore ought the woman to have a power over her head, because of the angels. But yet neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, so also is the man by the woman: but all things of God. You yourselves judge. Doth it become a woman to pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you that a man indeed, if he nourish his hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman nourish her hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor the Church of God [i.e., if anyone want to complain about this, we have no other way of doing things, this is our practice; all the churches believe the same way]. Now this I ordain: not praising you, that you come together, not for the better, but for the worse."

This sounds a little chauvinistic until you understand what St. Paul is saying...I know I was a little offended the first time I read it until I had it explained.  What this verse means in a nutshell is that we women can be very distracting to our brothers, especially with our hair, which is our glory. This is not a bad thing, in fact it's exactly the way God created us! But out of humility to Our Lord, we cover our hair/glory to sort of point towards the tabernacle and say "This is the time to focus on the beauty and glory of God, not our beauty." to the men.  I know how distracting it is to me when a girl has beautiful hair and does not cover it in church (my first thoughts; What lovely hair! I wish I had hair like that.  How did she get it in that style? As soon as I get home I'm trying that.  Oh, wait, sorry, Lord...) so I know it's probably a lot worse on the boys.  Out of charity, we need to think about them too, instead of just thinking about what a sensation our hair will make with our friends and neighbors.

Secondly, traditionally holy things have always been covered with a veil.  Take the tabernacle for instance! Or pretty much every picture of Our Lady! And even in the Old Testament...

(Hebrews 9:1-8): "The former [Old Covenant] indeed had also justifications of divine service and a sanctuary. For there was a tabernacle made the first, wherein were the candlesticks and the table and the setting forth of loaves, which is called the Holy. And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holy of Holies: Having a golden censer and the ark of the testament covered about on every part with gold, in which was a golden pot that had manna and the rod of Aaron that had blossomed and the tables of the testament. And over it were the cherubims of glory overshadowing the propitiatory: of which it is not needful to speak now particularly. Now these things being thus ordered, into the first tabernacle, the priests indeed always entered, accomplishing the offices of sacrifices. But into the second, the high priest alone, once a year: not without blood, which he offereth for his own and the people's ignorance: The Holy Ghost signifying this: That the way into the Holies was not yet made manifest, whilst the former tabernacle was yet standing."

Wearing a veil is not (as SOOOOO many people seem to assume) a degradation for women, it is a reminder to men to respect and honor them! When I see a veiled woman (and this would probably be a good time to point out that when I say "cover your head", I mean with a real veil, not a little chapel cap that barely covers the crown of your head, or a huge attention getting hat with feathers and bows, a REAL mantilla/scarf/or simple hat that looks appropriate for Mass) the first image that appears in my mind is one of the Blessed Mother, and that's precisely what I want people to see when they look at me.

Thirdly, they just plain look lovely! And as I mentioned before, they really do work well for disguising your hair when it's a total mess.   

So, ladies, please cover your head appropriately when going before the Blessed Sacrament, and don't listen to anyone who tells you it makes you any less in dignity than a man.

Some other notes on things I didn't get to cover in this post about head coverings:

 ...veils come in so many lovely styles and colors! I keep a white and a black one in my purse at all times, and keep all the other colors in the car.

...scarves are a very stylish way of covering your head, and they also work well for keeping you head warm in the winter-time.  My brothers have even said they are jealous of girls because they can cover their heads and the boys have to freeze their ears off:).

...for all those who say that the law about head coverings was done away with at Vatican II, you are wrong.  It was never mentioned in the council, and as you can see here:

Canon 20: A later law abrogates or derogates from an earlier law, if it expressly so states, or if it is directly contrary to that law, or if it integrally reorders the whole subject matter of the earlier law. A universal law, however, does not derogate from a particular or from a special law, unless the law expressly provides otherwise. 

Canon 21: In doubt, the revocation of a previous law is not presumed; rather, later laws are to be related to earlier ones and, as far as possible, harmonized with them.

Canon 28: Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 5, a custom, whether contrary to or apart from the law, is revoked by a contrary custom or law. But unless the law makes express mention of them, it does not revoke centennial or immemorial customs, nor does a universal law revoke particular customs

I hope this cleared this little issue up for some of you!

Do you wear a veil to Mass?

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Weekly Roundup

What I liked:

...being able to witness the profession of Br. Miguel Marie on Tuesday.  One of the many benefits of living next to an abbey!

...some friends from a neighboring state coming over to spend the day.  We all had lots of fun, and there was hardly a moment when we weren't all laughing.

...finding some new heels for Easter at a decent price!

...finding a new consignment store called The Echo Shop! They're a little pricier than Goodwill, but the quality is MUCH nicer.  I was able to get a black Maxi dress and a denim vest for a very decent price!

...my brother downloading the Duolingo App on my mom's phone.  It certainly helps with learning French, that's for sure!

...Mom's new "Better Than Lara Bars"...they really are!

What I Didn't:

...more cold, gray, rainy weather.  I'm ready for Spring!

...getting several "Frozen" ringtones for my phone...only to find out later they don't work.

...yet another person asking me "Are you really nineteen?" (Sigh.)

...my sheet music STILL not coming in.  It was shipped back to the supplier because it was damaged (a likely story) and is now supposed to come in Monday.

...having to fast all morning and drive an hour away to get my blood work done.  Did I mention that if I don't eat every three hours my blood sugar drops drastically?

...getting stuck with the newly hired cashier at the grocery store.  I had to explain to her how to check out some of the items...I am not kidding.

...having the Algebra Blues...not me, my little brother, but I've had them before and I can sympathize.

...seeing a policeman pull out in front of me and saying "I'm being good, I'm being quiet, I'm being 'have."... and no one getting it.

What I Accomplished:

...driving an hour away to Mass and driving through town afterwards! Without running into anything!

...making grain-free, dairy-free, meatloaf!

...my first storm novena.  I followed a good friend's recommendation and prayed it every half hour as opposed to every hour...I was rather flurried by the end.

...winning at carpet ball for six games in a row!

What Made Me Laugh:

...telling Mom I needed some "nude" heels for Easter and my brothers overhearing.  Their jaws dropped and they look positively scandalized, so now I refer to them as tan.

...a sign in the shoe store that said "Five Dollar Charge For Whining".  I want one of these in my house...

...this picture:
...the look on my brothers' and their friends' faces when I said "After Earth" was a "cute" movie.

How was your week?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

What Every WELL-DRESSED Girl Should Own...

Hi there! First of all, you might have noticed that I have made a few changes on my blog...for instance changing the name from "Happy Homemaking" to "Valiant Daughters".  The main reason for this is that I Googled "Happy Homemaking" and the list of blogs was...quite long.  I decided on the name "Valiant Daughters" because I believe we should all be striving to become like the Valiant Woman in Proverbs 31.  Now with that said...

Scarves are one of the most helpful things a girl can keep on hand.  You can dress up virtually anything with a pretty scarf, and turn a boring outfit into something stylish instantly.  As an added bonus, scarves are a lovely way to make a shirt more modest and there are hundreds of ways to tie them! The scarf I'm wearing in the picture was a birthday gift from a friend, and is one of my favorite accessories.

A very versatile piece of clothing that will always be in style! You can dress it up or down depending on your top, and can wear it in any season.  I have a cotton knit one that is not-a-maxi-skirt-but-looks-just-like-one and it has to be the most comfortable skirt I own.  I wear it for everything from bouncing on the trampoline, to road trips, to going to Mass.

After a black skirt, this is probably the most important base garment to keep in your wardrobe.  Everything goes with brown! I actually have three brown skirts because they're not quite as versatile as black ones and it's harder to dress them up, but depending on the style, you can pair it with almost anything.

My mom and I have been using these for years...and we L-O-V-E them! Lilla-Rose has the best hair accessories I have ever used...they look so stylish and feminine, yet they are very reasonably priced! These clips come in all sorts of sizes and style, and do a wonderful job of holding your hair up!

Every girl should own at least one pretty hat.  People who wear nice hats (whether male or female) always stand out to me as being well-dressed and respectable.  I love hats in general, particularly fedoras and those big, floppy beach hats that are so fashionable right now! They're are also a great remedy for Bad-Hair-Days...

How many of these items do you have in your closet? What would you add to the list?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Living At Home

"...the Holy Child is my model, my strength, my consolation; in short, He is the complete joy of my heart.  He is my model of patience and resignation, Who teaches me by His example, as He rests silently in the crib, content to wait thirty-three years before consuming His sacrifice, to the glory of His Father...Therefore I am content to wait together with Him...But what was the chief occupation of Jesus during His Childhood, I ask myself.  The answer is that He was ever intent on glorifying God's Holy Name..."

I recently read this paragraph in "The Golden Arrow" by Sr. Mary of St. Peter (a wonderful book by the way, and well worth reading, especially for Lent!) and it struck me as being a great subject for meditation by stay-at-home-daughters.  We all tend to get a little restless as the years go by, and we feel that our lives are being wasted by remaining at home instead of doing something "useful" like everyone else.  I had never thought much about the fact that Our Lord spent thirty years living at home with His family before He began living His vocation.  It seems you can find an example in the life of Our Lord for every situation and state of life! While He lived at home, Our Lord was not idle or dependent on His parents; on the contrary, we can be sure that He was a huge help and comfort to St. Joseph and Our Lady.  During this time that we are waiting to know God's Will for our lives, we should try to imitate Our Lord's childhood and young adult years as well as we can.  For instance...

Building Our Spiritual Life...

I used to know a girl who always seemed to be unable to say anything for herself on religious matters. When we would talk about anything religious, everything she said was repeated directly from her parents.  While it is definitely a good idea to learn from and listen to your parents, she carried it a little to far by being uninterested in learning anything on her own, or even researching the things her parents told her.  When another friend commented on this, she said that when she got married she would build her own spiritual life, but while she lived under her parent's authority she would just do whatever they thought was necessary.  This is a very distorted view of living of home, and not a very Godly one.  You shouldn't delay building your spiritual life for ANYTHING, and the responsibility for it's growth belongs ultimately with you, not with your parents.  The time we are spending at home is meant to be a time of preparation for the life ahead of us, when we will most likely not have as much time as we do now.  A good priest I know once told me that before I got married, I needed to have a strong religious foundation that would be enough to last me through my whole life, because once I had a family of my own, I would be busy with more worldly cares (groceries, a clean house, home-schooling, etc.), and would be hard pressed for time to grow spiritually, at least in the beginning.  Learning from our parents is one very important part of growing in our spiritual life, but we need to learn and research our Faith ourselves.  It's much harder to shake someone's faith if they have learned and lived it themselves, than if they are merely imitating their parents.

Learning Accomplishments...

A lot of people believe that accomplishments are just things girls use to "catch" a husband.  Apparently they think young men are going to review every eligible young woman's list of skills before they decide to pay any attention to her.  In my experience (and I have four brothers), the only accomplishment that usually attracts male attention is the ability to cook well (a young man I know even told me once that the best way to get a guy to like you is to either cook him something really nice or buy him a box of cigars.  I am not exaggerating :)).  But we're not supposed to be trying to "catch" a husband, are we? When God's pre-ordained time comes for you to meet your prince, it will happen! In the meanwhile, you should be learning different skills and accomplishments not to attract a husband, but to bring joy to your family and to grow in virtue.  Not to mention all the fun you will have learning and improving yourself! Living at home should be just that; living! Your life at home is not just an "in-between" time; it's your chance to make yourself into the person you will be for the rest of your life.  You don't know how long you're going to be waiting for God to call you away and you should be learning and growing now instead of waiting until you find your vocation.  Learning to play an instrument, to cook and bake, to sew, to knit, or any of the hundreds of others feminine accomplishments is a wonderful and enjoyable way to spend your time and will be useful to you and your family, right now and in the future.  And an intelligent, accomplished woman is so rare nowadays, there will be no need for her to "catch" a godly husband.

Our Lord's Childhood was hidden and unnoticed by the world, and yet we could never number all the many graces He bestowed and miracles He performed while He prepared for His mission from His Almighty Father.  While we live at home we should take the Child Jesus as our model and ask Our Lady to help us grow to be as holy, productive, and ready for our vocations as her Divine Son was.

Holy Child Jesus, pray for us!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Weekly Roundup

Hi everyone! I hope your week has been lovely!


...all the wonderful feast days this week! It's delightful to have a nice break from the rigors of Lent.

...having a party with some close friends to celebrate the feasts of St. Patrick, St. Benedict, and St. Joseph.  We sang karaoke, drank root beer, bounced on the trampoline, and swung on the hammock, and everyone agreed it was a "sequence of continuous delights". 

...Earl Grey tea...drinking a cup before bedtime is a wonderful way to wind down.

...my brother baking some Paleo sandwich bread...it was HEAVENLY.

...ordering the sheet music to "Weep You No More Sad Fountains" and "The Dreame" from Sense and Sensibility.  I have wanted to play these for a while, and finally found them on Amazon for only five dollars!


...trying to feed a friend's little boy and getting spaghetti sauce all over myself.  It seems I need some practice in this area.

...a suspicion that dairy might be affecting me again, and deciding not to have any more for a while.

...UPS not delivering my package when they were scheduled to.

...burning my hand on the trampoline from doing cartwheels.


...learning to play "Set Fire To The Rain" on the piano!

...playing "Spider" on the trampoline with some toddler friends so well that they insisted that I be "it" for the rest of the day.

...teaching my brother some new kettle-bell exercises.

...beating my younger brother at backgammon.  I think this is the first time ever!

...making caramel filled chocolate hearts for St. Patrick's Day.

How was your week?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Weekly Roundup...

Hello there! This has been quite a busy week for me, with leaving the house four days in a row and then sewing, knitting, helping the boys with their school, trying some new Paleo recipes, and exercising when I was home.  I hope your week has been as productive!


...finally(!)  finding a pair of casual shoes for only seven dollars (every other pair I have found in this style has been at LEAST thirty dollars, but this pair was on sale!) I love them...they're so comfortable and my brother told me "they're so ugly they're actually cool" I think that means he liked them...

...finding enough lovely material for only ONE DOLLAR A YARD(!) to redo all the curtains in the dining room

...starting a quilting class taught by one of our neighbors.  I've wanted to learn for a long time, and it's lovely to get to learn with your friends and neighbors instead of strangers! And we get to drink tea while we're working...

...trying Guava flavored Kombucha for the first time.  And I thought I liked the strawberry flavor!

... sharing a long phone call with a dear friend, and talking about exorcism stories.  Right before going to bed, I might add. :0 

...signing up for the Primal Palate Meal Plan.  Lots and lots of wonderful recipes, and you can organize them into your own menus to save!

...picking up our two pigs we just had processed.  We had baby back ribs on Wednesday...mmmmm...

...lovely, sunny, warm days all week! The boys and I have been doing all our reading on the porch swings, and we've had all the windows open!

...discovering these amazing snacks at Whole Foods called Plantain Chips.  They taste just like potato chips, but are much better for you!

...finding a recipe for CHOCOLATE COVERED PALEO DOUGHNUTS!!! I "can" "not" "wait" to try these!

...singing "A Thousand Years" on the karaoke machine with my brothers when they both had colds and sore throats...I was sorely tempted to record it. 


...Ember days.  They always seem to sneak up on you, then right as you're about to snack on something... you remember "Oh, wait, it's an Ember day..."

...REALLY strong winds coming up all of a sudden while you're in town.  It's always embarrassing having to bend over almost all the way to hold your skirt down while running for cover.

...Best Buy employees waiting around every corner, ready to spring out and sell you something, and having to say "I'm fine, just browsing." over and over.

...Academy employees (or lack thereof) who are no where to be found when you need them.


 ...making new curtains and altar cloths for the dining room

...using the credit card at Sams for the first time, and only having to ask the cashier for help ONCE.

...getting caught up on all my letters.  For this week at least. :)

...learning to do flips and cartwheels on the trampoline without my skirt flying up.  For some reason, everyone who I tell about this exclaims "You can do flips?" Is it really that astounding?

...doing my Kettle Bell Workout with a twenty-five pound weight! Of course I can hardly move today...

How was your week?