What I liked:
...starting the Reclaiming Beauty Study Course by the Botkin sisters! I'm trying to do one video a week, and I've already learned a lot!
...babysitting a friend's four toddlers for a day. We were all pretty worn out by the end of the day, but hearing the kids say things like "Do we have to go home right now?", "I like playing with you.", and "Can you come get us again soon?" made it all worth it. And the relieved look on their mom's face when we first picked them up.
...one of the aforesaid toddlers reading a whole Curious George book to me, and only needing help on three big words!
...my brother learning to play the Cinderella Man theme on the piano by ear.
...having a friend who will tell me the entire plot, character list, and story line of all her favorite movies, and even furnish me with all the good quotes, so I don't even have to see it!
...my sheet music FINALLY coming in!
...attending Father Chad Rippenger's retreat on Mental Prayer and Sacramentals!!! It was a wonderful experience, and I took lots of notes...depending on my schedule, I'll try to summarize it in a post sometime.
...trying Herbert's Strawberry Lemonade for the first time!
What I Didn't:
...my friend telling me I look like Charlotte Church...when she was twelve (uhhh...thank you...I think...).
...waiting two months to be able to wear my new dress...and then it being so windy I can hardly move without the skirt flying up.
...putting an avocado in my hair with sour cream and lemon juice (it smelled delicious!) because it's supposed to be a great conditioner. I put it in LAST SATURDAY, washed my hair every day with no added conditioner, and my hair just got back to normal FRIDAY.
What I Accomplished:
...our Abbey's first pilgrimage! Father Abbot held it as a sort of roundup to a community novena we've all been praying. Most of the participants started about five miles away, but a few of us (including me and my little brother) joined them about a mile from the Abbey. It was so beautiful; we prayed a couple of litanies, sang hymns, placed our flowers at an icon of the Annunciation, and wound it all up with Vespers and a De Profundis prayed in the Abbey Cemetery. Everyone ageed we need to start doing this more often!
...making a delicious french egg dish for breakfast...I'm not sure what it is officially called, but it has spinach, sausage, tomatoes, and eggs all baked together in a ramekin...and it was delicious!
...making coconut whipped cream for Mom's fruit parfaits...who would of thought that something so easy to make would be so delectable?
What Made Me Laugh:
...while we were all resting on the pilgrimage, a friend's little boy started collecting rocks and bringing them to me one by one, and blushing when I said "thank you!". This went on for almost half an hour (and I had a rather large pile of rocks in my lap) when his mom noticed. She shook her head and said "Some boys give flowers, some boys give rocks."
...one of my brothers put a bowl of confetti on top of a door as an April Fool's Joke. Unfortunately, my other brother noticed it and the trick backfired on the original brother, who got confetti all over himself.
...walking past a friend's mom, when she suddenly says "Hey, you got a date yet?" I was taken aback for approximately ten seconds...before I realized she was talking to someone behind me about calendar dates.
...one of my brothers put a bowl of confetti on top of a door as an April Fool's Joke. Unfortunately, my other brother noticed it and the trick backfired on the original brother, who got confetti all over himself.
...walking past a friend's mom, when she suddenly says "Hey, you got a date yet?" I was taken aback for approximately ten seconds...before I realized she was talking to someone behind me about calendar dates.
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