What I Liked:
...Easter Sunday!
...out of town friends who came for Easter
...visiting after Easter Vespers with Fr. Abbot and another priest...yet another perk that comes from living next door to an abbey!
...dark chocolate eggs in my Easter basket
...watching "Frozen" for the first time...one of the funniest movies I have seen all year!
...being able to attend the beautiful services at the abbey for Holy Thursday and Good Friday
...our ducks sitting on eggs for the past week...we might have ducklings soon!
...my friend letting me borrow "Letters to Juliet". It was such a sweet movie, though the costumes left much to be desired.
...buying a fedora hat...I love it!
...Fr. Chad Ripperger's conference on "How To Raise A Man". I very highly recommend it to boys and young men...it will really inspire you to man-up and...well, be a man. You can listen to it here.
...being well enough to go help Dad and the boys at the local farmer's market...it's been at least three years since the last time I was able to go!
...watching "The Desolation of Smaug" on our new 3D projector!
What I Didn't:
...my whole family catching the flu, one right after the other. We were all miserable and blowing our noses for about two weeks.
...watching "Kung Fu Panda", one of the dumbest, most worthless, pointless, and plot-less movies I have ever seen. I could almost feel my brain cells evaporating...
...trying to make chocolate covered marshmallows...failure.
...the headache I always get when I don't sleep well
...the headache I always get when I don't sleep well
What Made Me Laugh:
...Olaf the Snowman from "Frozen"...I just love him!("I've always wanted a nose! So cute...like a little baby unicorn!")
...Charlie from "Letters To Juliet"...he has the same exact personality as the older of my two younger brothers, and I laughed at almost everything he said.
...my friend's thirteen year old brother. He can make me laugh anytime, any day.
...watching my brothers and some of their friends learning to do back flips on the trampoline...and succeeding (I'm really jealous, actually.)!
...seeing a man who looked just like Kili the Dwarf...long hair and everything.
...a little boy's t-shirt that said "I'm warning you, if ninjas attack, I will use you as a shield."
...passing by an open door at the civic center and catching a glimpse of a dance marathon...done entirely by elderly women and one elderly man holding pom-poms.
...seeing a man who looked just like Kili the Dwarf...long hair and everything.
...a little boy's t-shirt that said "I'm warning you, if ninjas attack, I will use you as a shield."
...passing by an open door at the civic center and catching a glimpse of a dance marathon...done entirely by elderly women and one elderly man holding pom-poms.
What I Accomplished:
...chocolate chip marshmallows...much better than the chocolate covered ones.
...learning to play "I Dreamed A Dream" on the piano...while my brothers are singing it.
...sewing my Easter dress, and making up the pattern as I went along.
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