...finally(!) finding a pair of casual shoes for only seven dollars (every other pair I have found in this style has been at LEAST thirty dollars, but this pair was on sale!) I love them...they're so comfortable and my brother told me "they're so ugly they're actually cool" I think that means he liked them...
...finding enough lovely material for only ONE DOLLAR A YARD(!) to redo all the curtains in the dining room
...starting a quilting class taught by one of our neighbors. I've wanted to learn for a long time, and it's lovely to get to learn with your friends and neighbors instead of strangers! And we get to drink tea while we're working...
...trying Guava flavored Kombucha for the first time. And I thought I liked the strawberry flavor!
... sharing a long phone call with a dear friend, and talking about exorcism stories. Right before going to bed, I might add. :0
...signing up for the Primal Palate Meal Plan. Lots and lots of wonderful recipes, and you can organize them into your own menus to save!
...picking up our two pigs we just had processed. We had baby back ribs on Wednesday...mmmmm...
...lovely, sunny, warm days all week! The boys and I have been doing all our reading on the porch swings, and we've had all the windows open!
...discovering these amazing snacks at Whole Foods called Plantain Chips. They taste just like potato chips, but are much better for you!
...finding a recipe for CHOCOLATE COVERED PALEO DOUGHNUTS!!! I "can" "not" "wait" to try these!
...singing "A Thousand Years" on the karaoke machine with my brothers when they both had colds and sore throats...I was sorely tempted to record it.
...Ember days. They always seem to sneak up on you, then right as you're about to snack on something... you remember "Oh, wait, it's an Ember day..."
...REALLY strong winds coming up all of a sudden while you're in town. It's always embarrassing having to bend over almost all the way to hold your skirt down while running for cover.
...Best Buy employees waiting around every corner, ready to spring out and sell you something, and having to say "I'm fine, just browsing." over and over.
...Academy employees (or lack thereof) who are no where to be found when you need them.
...making new curtains and altar cloths for the dining room...using the credit card at Sams for the first time, and only having to ask the cashier for help ONCE.
...getting caught up on all my letters. For this week at least. :)
...learning to do flips and cartwheels on the trampoline without my skirt flying up. For some reason, everyone who I tell about this exclaims "You can do flips?" Is it really that astounding?
...doing my Kettle Bell Workout with a twenty-five pound weight! Of course I can hardly move today...
How was your week?
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