Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekly Roundup


...our new trampoline!!!

...thoughtful friends who make us Key Lime Fudge

...cherry chia kombucha

...starting "The Golden Arrow"

...cheesecake bites with whipped cream and strawberry sauce for Fat Tuesday

...a brother who makes things like cheesecake bites with whipped cream and strawberry sauce

...a mysterious rash on my arm turning out NOT to be poison ivy


...a mysterious rash on my arm that is not poison ivy, but still itches like it is unexpected ice storm hitting our community while we were all in Mass

...colds circulating through my family

...doing a flip on the trampoline...and landing on my toe


...publishing my first post!

...sewing two new summer dresses

...learning to use Photoshop

...Spring cleaning our house, and


What has your week been like?

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