Hello everyone!!! =D
My family has never been on a "real" vacation before (yes, Mom, I remember going to that water-park when I was eight, but it doesn't count ;P), so after our incredibly eventful last three years, we figured this would be a good time to escape for a little "family fun time".

On Saturday my parents rented a boat and we got to spend the whooole day out on a beautiful lake; swimming, relaxing in the sun, and then swimming some more...I got thrown off the boat by my brothers at least twice =/
By accident, all our swim suits ended up matching XDDD
By the end of the day we were all pret-ty sunburned and tired, but we'd had so much fun...everyone slept well that night, for sure ;). The boys' sunburned skin turned brown after a day or two, but, as usual, mine went straight back to being white after being embarrassingly red for a day or two =P...despite being part Indian, my skin never tans =/.
I showed this picture to a friend, who said it perfectly captured of all our personalities...Truer words were never spoke...=P
We had a massive thunderstorm come in one of the days we were gone and we were unable to go swimming, so we decided to scope out the little town we were in and find something fun to do. My youngest brother found a "fun park" with go-carting and lazer tag, so he and I tried it out. The go-cart track was a FOUR. STORIES .HIGH. , circular ramp, with slopes and sudden curves that made you feel like you were in Furious Seven =p. My brother and I had loads of fun chasing each other, and got to go around several times before our time was up...
After we finished go-carting, and we'd been completely bested in lazer tag by a kid younger than all of us, we checked out an exorbitantly overpriced chocolate shop and tried some of their goodies...
Our last (and probably favorite) fun activity was our first archery lesson. My brother's have their own bows and have gone hunting with them before, but none of us had ever really been taught the correct way to use them, so it was a great learning experience for all of us. And, yes, I did manage to hit the bulls-eye a few times =P...
We left Missouri sore, tired, and sunburnt, but with many lovely memories and plans to return next year. Mishka was *so* happy to see us and didn't leave my side for several days; she'd even curl up around my feet when I was standing up =). My brother is making a video of our trip, with lots more pictures, so I'll share that with ya'll when it's completed ;)
I hope you all are having as lovely a summer as I am!!! If you have any vacation stories you'd like to share, tell me in the comments...I'd love to hear them =)!
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