Wednesday, January 21, 2015

From The Kitchen...Cherry Macaroons

Hello there! Today I'm sharing a recipe for an amazing and healthy treat that my mom and I love to munch on from time to time.  These Macaroons are very much like the Hail Merry Strawberry Macaroons you can find at Whole Foods or any other Health Food store, except I make them nut free and with freeze dried cherries.  We love Hail Merry's version but they are too expensive to consume in the quantity I would like, so I blended several different recipes and added some touches of my own to make my own, much cheaper version.  If you do not have a dehydrator, get one.  It is one of the most marvelous inventions since cheesecake.  Until then, you can use the oven to make these by baking them at 300 F. for twenty-two to twenty-five minutes, or until they are dry on the outside.

1 Cup of Coconut Butter (just blend 5 cups of shredded coconut in your food processor until smooth and creamy)

1/2 Cup Maple Syrup

1 1/2 Tsp. Vanilla

2 Cups Unsweetened Shredded Coconut

1 oz. Freeze-dried Cherries (or strawberries if you prefer)

Pulse the cherries in your food processor until they are course and well ground.  Add the remaining ingredients minus the shredded coconut and blend until well mixed.  Fold in coconut with a spatula and mix well.  Roll mixture into little balls (or use a melon ball scooper) and place on your dehydrator trays (or cookie sheet if using the oven) and place in the dehydrator.  Dehydrate on 110 degrees for 12-24 hours and try to avoid eating any until they're done (this may be difficult).  When they're done, put them in an airtight container and store them in the fridge until you finish them off (it won't be long).  Enjoy!

Print The Recipe Here

(And in all honesty, Mom actually made this batch...)

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