For the past two/three weeks, it has been raining. Not a slow, steady, drizzle, or even a violent mist; it has been pouring and pouring until the creek overflowed every bridge and slab near us, the ground turned into one giant swamp, and even the ducks are running for cover. In the beginning it was exciting (I felt bad when I realized that my reaction to the first huge storm that knocked everyone's power out and prevented several families from leaving their homes was "Yippee! We can go tubing in the creek now!!!") but after two days of constant thunder, lightening, and the never-ending rain, things started to lose their silver lining. I love being outside and try to go on long walks as much as possible, but when the whole world has turned into a swimming pool, it isn't very practical. Occasionally the sun will come out for a few hours and we all try to make the most of it, but the greater part of our day is spent inside. This time shouldn't be wasted, though, just because we feel bored. "Idleness is the Devil's playground." (I have no idea who originally said that quote, but my Mom and grandmother always said it to me when I was little and said I was bored...) When you're cooped up indoors, you should use this as an opportunity for building your creativity and doing things you normally don't have time for! Here is a small list I made of things to do when your stuck inside with nothing to do:
(Our ducks have been rather grumpy lately)) |
1. Read a good book
I read a lot. And I mean A LOT. After I graduated, I started reading more informational books, and gradually ended up reading nothing but informational books! I've learned so much and love the fact that there is still so much more to learn, just from reading! But on the downside, sometimes I just need to read something light (and by light I mean anywhere from "Tin-Tin" to "Wuthering Heights") and I usually don't have time after all my other books are finished. So, on a rainy day, I like to take advantage of the opportunity to read something just for fun. =)
2. Exercise
This is important if you've been cooped up for a few days with no chance to stretch your legs. When the sun is gone from sight, we human beings tend to get sleepy, depressed, and irritable, and when we're stuck in a house with our whole family feeling the same way, things can get tense. The best way to make yourself feel better and lift your mood is to exercise your body (except watching
"Lobster Bisque"; that will do it too=)). Even just doing some jumping jacks in your room will make the whole day seem a little bit brighter!
3. Board Games
There are very few board games that my brothers and I will play together and enjoy. We like games with critical thinking, strategy, an enormous amount of competition (no mercy in our family), and a trade system. Yes, I just described Settlers of Catan. It's our favorite game and we play it at every party, get-together, or Family Night. There are a few others we enjoy, such as Yahtzee!, Clue, Scrabble, Chess, and pretty much any card game...every family has their favorite game and this is the perfect time to play together!
4. Make up a story
My brothers and I do this all the time, not just on rainy days. Sometimes the story gets so wacky it would be impossible to describe to an outsider, and other times we can't even finish because we're laughing so hard. My youngest brother's dream is to make a cartoon show of our favorite characters one day... I doubt anyone else would get our stories, but it might make a few people laugh...
5. Try a new recipe
For me, it was sparkling lemonade. Not very impressive, I know, but we needed a drink to bring to a friend's house for a party, and all we had was water, lemons, sparkling water, ice, and stevia. And it was so good, I made more the next day for myself. Sometimes the simplest things can change your whole perspective, just by being new.
6. Watch a movie
This is ONLY for after you've done everything else on this list and you're getting ready for bed. Rainy days have always been movie days for my family; it's just so relaxing to lie in bed and watch a good movie while the rain pitter-patters on the roof.
I hope you can find some things on this list to do on the next rainy day that comes your way!
Now that the rain has finally slacked off, all the flowers are blooming everywhere!
(Photo credit goes to my brother and his amazing camera =)) |