Monday, April 25, 2016

Little Things I'm Grateful For...

Hello Everyone!

These past few weeks have been ve-ry hectic for my family, so I haven't been able to blog very much =(.  Last night we got back from yet another road trip and are now gearing up for my friend's wedding this weekend, after which we are going to take a much-needed vacation to a resort in Missouri...

When I woke up this morning (finally in my own bed with my favorite quilt again) I realized there are so many little things that I forget to be grateful for every day, but that I would miss terribly if they weren't there.  I'm the kind of person who likes routine; change is fine in small amounts, but I like my days to usually follow the same basic pattern, and when that pattern changes, I feel disoriented.  Things like being awakened the same way every morning by my brother on the piano, my other brother greeting me with "Gooooddddd morning! Did you sleep?", the same bird calls outside my window, and the same familiar sights every time I go for a walk just make my whole day brighter.  Going on trips is fun and exciting, but for me coming home to your own house, your own bed, and (in my case) your amazing-kitchen-that-you-still-cannot-find-enough-words-to-express-your-gratitude-for is the best part.  It's cliche, but there really is no place like home (especially if your home has an amazing kitchen with a double oven and blue cabinets =P).


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