Monday, November 17, 2014

The Inferno...

My first clue was the sirens echoing through the neighborhood...

When I came downstairs I learned that our elderly neighbor had a trash fire that had gotten out of hand behind our house.  About seven Volunteer Fire Department trucks showed up (this was probably the most exciting thing they'd done all year), wailing like the whole street had gone up in flames.  The phone was ringing off the wall from all the neighbors (at least those who didn't show up) to see what in the blazes was going on.  Our poor dog, Lottie, didn't know what to do, so she just sat in the middle of the driveway watching the firemen.

Needless to say, the inferno was dealt with post-haste, and we had a story to tell at quilting that evening.  And we were all able to take an unexpected break from school/work/cooking/etc.

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