Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What Every PALEO Girl Should Own...

Hi everybody! Being healthy is a big part of being a strong, godly, young woman (not only because our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost, but also because we should always be prepared for whatever God sends our way, whether it be butchering chickens, raising active kids, fighting off unsavory characters in a parking lot, being a nurse, living in an austere convent, or being a traveling missionary!).  I have been trying to heal from a couple of autoimmune diseases and several food allergies for the past three years, and the best thing I have found to help me feel my best has been the Paleo Lifestyle! I would like to share the things I think are necessary to start living this lifestyle and very much encourage you to look into it yourself!  

One thing that really grinds my gears is when people ask me if I'm "still following that crazy diet".  Grrrrrr.  It's a lifestyle, not just a diet, and part of this lifestyle is strengthening your body with exercise.  I have found kettle-bells to be the program that works for me because it blends cardio with weight training, and it only takes about half an hour a day! Most of the Paleo blogs I read all recommend doing Kettle-Bells too, and it really seems to be taking off lately.  I even found out that Henry Cavill did Kettle-Bells when he was getting all buff to play Superman :).

Absolutely necessary when you start the Paleo Lifestyle.  When you first switch from the Standard American Diet it can seem impossible to find anything to eat, but with all the amazing cookbooks out there, you will be proven wrong very quickly.  These are our favorites, and we love how they are so full of easy-to-prepare, filling, healthy, delicious recipes.  I don't even miss junk food anymore!

This is a bit of a joke in my family...it seems cauliflower is one of the most versatile vegetables ever.  Every Paleo cookbook seems to have almost a whole section on the dozens of different ways to make cauliflower; rice, grits, mashed, popped like corn, pizza crust...the list goes on and on! The best part is that it has almost no taste, so with the right spices you can turn it into almost anything!

If you don't like doing weights, you should definitely look into purchasing a trampoline, or even a
re-bounder, for exercise.  Bouncing on one of these for fifteen minutes is equivalent to jogging for thirty! We have so much fun on our's from Springfree.  The boys and I go out for a while almost every morning, and have found that it improves our energy and even our mood!

Do you have any favorite things you do to stay healthy?

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